Friday, February 19, 2010

Control Freak?

Where did the time go???

Everyone tells you that your kids will grow up quickly, but this is just ridiculous! :-)

I could swear it was just yesterday that we were driving to the hospital, middle of the night, flashers on, running red lights. Now, I have this little person running around the house, getting into everything he knows he shouldn't, with a twinkle in his eyes, and a grin on his face. Payback? Probably.

We had a rough start. Well, not rough, but not the easiest! Grayson was, as many of you know, a surprise. Not a mistake...he'll never be a mistake...but definitely a surprise! "My Surprise Blessing" is what I choose to call him most of the time.

It amazes me everyday that God, in all of His infinite wisdom, chose us to be the parents of this sweet, mischievous, rowdy, hilarious little boy. He chose US! I still don't know what I did to deserve such an honor, and I say that with absolute conviction. It is an honor to be his mom.

Isn't it crazy that we question God's plans for our lives? I mean, have you ever strayed away from the life God has called you to lead? It's MISERABLE! You end up stressed out, depressed,'s a lot to handle! That's why we aren't supposed to try and do it all ourselves!

Yet we do try to do it ourselves. All the time. You would think we would learn after the first 1,000 times we mess up! God says go right, we go left...and we end up lost, crying, and on our knees begging Him for answers. And, after He picks us up and carries us back to where we are supposed to be, I'm sure He has a good laugh at our expense!

Never in a million years could I have planned a better life for myself. God really does know what He's doing! It's so nice when you finally give up the control you try to have over your life to the One that knows what's best for you. Things become a lot less stressful! You can spend less time worrying, and more time enjoying all the blessings He has given you..., reading a story to your son, or cuddling on the couch with your husband, or laughing about the fact that no matter how hard you try, you'll never be able to keep your kids out of your purse, and they'll end up with bright pink lipstick ALL over them!

Enjoy your life!!! Kids really do grow up too quickly, and wouldn't it be a shame if we missed moments like this because we were too busy stressing out about something we should be handing over to God? He's bigger than us, and therefore better equipped to handle the "not so fun" things in our lives!

Love and God Bless!

The Ramon Family

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